Wow, and just… WOW! I just found out last night
that I was nominated for the Liebster Award by this wonderful blog called A Tall Drink of Water. This is such a wonderfully flattering event! I almost feel
like I should make some sort of speech. But I will spare you all of that.
Now, I have to be honest. Before tonight, I
had never heard of the Liebster Award. I know, tsk tsk. But in my own defense,
I really just got back into the blogging world about a month and a half ago so
this caught me totally by surprise!
The Liebster Award is given to up and coming
bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster? The meaning:
Liebster is German (and I’m half German, so I love it even more!) and means
sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued,
cute, endearing, and welcome. Blogging is about building a community and it's a
great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the blog that nominated you
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200
3. Answer the questions posted for you by your
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees
6. Contact your nominees and let them know you
nominated them
First off, my nominees are:
11 Questions from A TallDrink of Water:
1. How long have you been teaching and what
grades have you taught?
I have officially been teaching for 11 years
and have worked with kiddos from birth through Pre-K (Pre-K being my favorite
and current grade).
2. What was the best concert you attended?
Well, considering the fact that I’ve only been
to 2 concerts in my life (I know, shocking, right?) and I was sick for one of
them, I would have to say the other: Rascal Flatts!
3. What is the one thing you must do before
going to bed?
I absolutely HAVE TO read before I go to bed
or I end up lying in bed for an hour with my ADD brain drifting from one thing
to another. If I read, it seems to let my body relax for long enough that I can
just fall right to sleep.
4. What is your favorite thing about where you
Growing up in the Midwest and dealing with
snowstorms in May, I would have to say my favorite thing about Arizona is the
winters (or lack there of).
5. Do you have any pets? If so, how many and
what kind?
We have a cat named Louie that we adopted this
past Christmas. He’s not a very exciting pet since he just kind of lays around
and naps but, on the upside, it does seem to help the girls with understanding
6. How did you think of your blog name?
It actually took me forever to think of my
blog name. I wanted something that, if I decided to go in a bit of a different
direction at a later time, I could keep the name and still have it be
applicable. As I’ve said, I have a bit of ADD which leads me to be pretty
random in the projects that I work on and, in case you hadn’t noticed, I tend
to do crafty things the majority of the time. Hence… Random Craftiness.
7. Do you have a guilty pleasure?
It’s taken me a long time to actually come to
terms with my guilty pleasure (I was in denial for the longest time). I love
sci-fi and fantasy movies. Yes, that’s right, I’m a nerd, and I’m OK with it.
My personal favorites? Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Firefly, all the Marvel comic
movies (Avengers, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man), and the best movie series
ever… Harry Potter!
8. Where was your favorite vacation?
I actually was blessed enough to be able to go
to London and Paris (and the surrounding areas) right after I graduated from
high school. I don’t think I was mature enough to fully appreciate it, but it
was still the best trip ever and I can now look at pictures of the Eiffel
Tower, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and lots of castles and be able to say “I’ve
been there!”
9. Where did you go to college?
Wow, well… I got my AA at Iowa Lakes Community
College (Iowa), my Bachelor’s at Briar Cliff University (Iowa), my first Master’s
(in education) from Argosy University (AZ), and my second Master’s (in
psychology) from Capella Univeristy (online). The sad thing is I’m thinking
about going and taking a few more courses. Yes, I’m a glutton for punishment.
10. What's the funniest thing a student has
ever said to you?
I know this is totally cliché but I just
cannot choose one thing. Like I said, I teach Pre-K. Every other phrase
qualifies as “the funniest thing”. Especially since they usually catch me in
just the right moment where, to any sane person, they wouldn’t be that funny.
But, after teaching little ones for so long, you have to learn to laugh, even
if it doesn’t make sense to others.
11. What is one thing you cannot live without?
Ok, another cliché… I don’t think I can live
without my family. They drive me absolutely nuts sometimes (ok, a lot of times)
but, I don’t know where I would be without them. My crazy silly girls and my
super, uber, wonderfully supportive husband. I’m just so blessed with the little
family that I have and wouldn’t give them up for anything (there’s my
nomination speech by the way… just had to sneak it in there ;)
11 Random Facts:
1. I grew up in a
small Iowa town and give just about anything to be able to move back there.
2. I don’t drink
water or use ice. I know, strange.
3. I am afraid of
dogs. Love cats, super scared of dogs.
4. I’m a Mommy’s
5. I refuse to buy
anything that I could make myself.
6. I would love to
move onto a farm and be as self-sufficient as possible.
7. I cannot wait to
retire and don’t really see my hobbies changing a whole lot when I do. I
already knit and sew so I think I’m set.
8. I won’t go in any
body of water except bathtubs and swimming pools (and no, I’m not a germaphobe)
9. I like to crank
the stereo in the car and sing at the top of my lungs (and I don’t care that
the guy in the next car is watching me a silently judging).
10. I have less than
a week left of being in my 20s (and I’m actually kind of happy about it!)
11. I would love to
grow a crafty business that allowed me to work from home (at least until all
our kids were in school).
11 Questions For My Nominees:
1. If you could hop in the car and take a road trip anywhere
right now, where would it be?
2. What book/magazine are you currently working on reading?
3. How did you choose to start a blog?
4. If you could get paid to do anything, what would it be?
5. Favorite classroom theme?
6. Best teaching moment?
7. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? (And none
of that wishing for more wishes nonsense!)
8. What is the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?
9. Who was your favorite teacher growing up and why?
10. What is your favorite trait about yourself?
11. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
I so enjoyed reading about you!!! I really embraced turning 30 and have enjoyed every moment!!