Friday, August 19, 2011

Blogging newbie!

It's official, I caved and set up a blog. As the title implies, posts will probably be pretty random and will more than likely focus on crafty stuff (although there may be some personal posts from time to time). In addition to crafts, I also have a passion for organizing and couponing so there will probably be a bit about that depending on how my day/week/month/life is going.

So, to get the ball rolling, I thought I would start by bragging about my beautiful family. I have a wonderful husband and we celebrated our 7 year anniversary this past June. We have two gorgeous (yet ornery) little girls, Noella and Natahlia. Noella's 5 and just started Kindergarten and therefore I just started PTO and all the other wonderful things that come with having a child in school. Natahlia is 18 months and a toddler... enough said.

Yep, that's us. We've lived in Chandler, AZ for a little over 4 years now but still consider ourselves Midwesterners as we plan to move back home in a year or two. My husband and I both grew up in NorthWest Iowa and miss the area. Plus the Arizona summers are a bit tough to deal with!

In addition to having a beautiful family (and no, I don't think I'm biased at all, hehe), I also have an in-home daycare where I watch 3 children from another family on a full-time basis and I'm working on my second Master's degree, the first being in Instructional Leadership and this one in General Psychology. If all goes well, I should have an online teaching position by this time next year. *fingers crossed*

Other than that, there's not much else to tell. Anything else of importance you'll just have to wait to find out... ;)

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